Friday, September 08, 2006

An Adventure Almost Fit for Nat´l Geo

Last weekend was volunteer visit and really my first opportunity to go out and i mean OUT into Panama! It only took 1-hr bus, 7-hr bus, 3-hr bus, 10-min taxi, and a 2-hr boat ride (tired yet?) to make it to my final destination, but a quaint village of houses on stilts on the coast of the carribbean filled with friendly folk and inquisitive kids was the reward. The volunteer there was finishing up her service, and I heard nothing but appreciation for her work and sadness for her leaving.

I also had the opportunity to travel to another volunteer site via a 30-min near death aka waves and choppy water boat ride where i preceded to become completely soaking wet. This volunteer and his community have created an impressive finca with pineapples, yucca, platanos, tomatoes, cukes, fish tanks, and egg-laying hens to name a few. A resident also brought us what is essentially turtle meat jerky to try (disclaimer: i´m not endorsing the cosumption of turtle, avoid if possible because they are an endangered species).

Anyways, as you might have guessed, I made it back safe and sound to my host family. Training continues.


Blogger L. Barrett said...

turtle jerky, sounds good. makes me think of the buffalo jerky i used to get in the u.p. glad to hear your doing well and having some fun. keep in touch. lb

6:21 AM  
Blogger Rachel Myers said...

Sounds like you're having fun :) I'm so glad!!!

10:05 AM  

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