Recipe: Aqueduct from Scratch
-What you need are some dedicated folk willing to take the initiative to realize their hopes; another bunch willing to dedicate time & talent; perserverance through long days filled with sweat, mud, and rain; and alot of patience to handle the unexpected.
-Mix that all up (low speed, because if you rush things, carelessness will end up costing you) for about 3 weeks at tropics temperature.
-Dios primero, después ustedes. Thanks you familias Pedrol for dedicating yourselves to change. Thank you EWB for all your efforts in making this project hapen. It was without a doubt exhausting work, nevertheless no regrets. Que el agua nunca se pare sino siga llegando a más y más gente.
-Pictures next time, i promise!
-Mix that all up (low speed, because if you rush things, carelessness will end up costing you) for about 3 weeks at tropics temperature.
-Dios primero, después ustedes. Thanks you familias Pedrol for dedicating yourselves to change. Thank you EWB for all your efforts in making this project hapen. It was without a doubt exhausting work, nevertheless no regrets. Que el agua nunca se pare sino siga llegando a más y más gente.
-Pictures next time, i promise!